Saturday, October 30, 2004

A Love LIfe

Life is like lonely Tree
Alone out there on the hill
Facing the burning sun
Braving the torrential wind
Withstanding the thunderstorm

In the twist of fate
it may be stronger or weaker
In the eye of others
it may be beautiful or ugly

With the precious love, it blossom
But without any concern, it wither
Just like bee needs flower
Fish needs water

How i wish for your Love
How i hope for your Concern
How i wanted you by myside
My DeAr i really love u.

Friday, October 29, 2004

Alone laying on the bed
Past memories flowing by
Remembering the times
All the laughter and smiles
With tear and sorrow
Like shadow drifting by

But now only me alone
You no longer by myside
Left only memories behind
Accompanying me on the road

HaPPiNeSs DoEs lASt

If SoMeOnE cOmEs iNtO YoUr LiFe AnD bEcOmEs A pArT oF yOu
BuT fOr SoMe ReAsOnS shE cOuLdN't StAy, DoN't CrY tOo
MuCh... JuSt Be gLaD tHaT yOuR pAtHs CrOsSeD aNd; SoMeHoW
shE mAdE yOu HaPpY eVeN fOr A wHiLe....

Wednesday, October 27, 2004


When you u think everything is over
but its still fresh from the day before
The day she left seem like only yesterday
Scar of it remain open till now
Even years had past like second
The wound is fresh again
The tear flow like before
When the pic of her n him appear infront of me
My love is no longer here
But e tears drop seem to be like yesterday

When i Saw them

I thought that i would be able to accept the fact that she and i is over and that she had someone in her life. The someone who will be able to take care of her. The someone whom was so close to me before. But when i saw the pic of them and there she wrote my dear hurts me, unknown to myself the tear roll down. Why its been so long since the day she and i ended. Day and month equal to years when that day everything come to a halt. Why till this day i still could not couldn't let is go.

Eternity For ??

I smile whenever I recall
The special moments we have had;
Walking always hand in hand
Through the good times and the bad.
Sometimes, I think it is a dream --
The love you give me could not be;
But then when you are in my arms
There's no mistake in its purity.
Whether I'm with you or far away,
My thoughts are always drawn to you
Like a compass needle pointing North
To a love much more than true.
Of all the people on this Earth --
How lucky can a person be;
To have found the likes of you, my love,
With whom to share eternity!